What Kinds of Contacts Can I Get at Family Focused Eyecare?
We provide a wide variety of contact lenses to suit your needs. Click here for easy instructions on inserting and removing your contact lenses.
Daily Disposable
- Acuvue Moist
- Softlens Daily
- Dailies Aquacomfort Plus
- Focus Dailies
- Focus Dailies Toric
- Acuvue Trueye
- Proclear 1 Day
2 Week Lenses
- Acuvue Oasys
- Avaira
- Softlens 38
Toric (astigmatism)
- Acuvue Oasys For Astigmatism
- Frequency 55 Toric
- Frequency 55 Toric XR
- Biofinity Toric
- Air Optix For Astigmatism
- Proclear Toric
- Purevision For AStimgatism
- Proclear Multifocal
- Air Optix Multifocal
- Softlens Multifocal
- Purevision Multifocal
- One eye for distance
- One eye for near
- Air Optix
- Biofinity
- Purevision
- Purevision 2 HD
- Air Optix Night & Day
Colored Contact Lenes
- Marietta Vision
- Freshlook Colorblends
- Freshlook Colors
- Freshlook Dimensions
- Acuvue Enhancers
- Acuvue Opaque
Contact Lenses For Dry Eyes
Gas Permeable (RGP)
To discover what contact lenses are best for you, give us a call! We also have a contact guarantee we would love to tell you more about. Feel free to call us at (801) 302-3080.